This will take you back to your label design You will be brought back to the Transparency Flattener Presets, and you will select OK once more. Once the tasks in step 4 have been completed click on OK.Click the box near this until it displays a check mark.

At the bottom of this window you should see Convert All Text to Outlines. Make sure the Raster/Vector Balance is all the way to the right, which will be 100. In the Transparency Flattener Preset Options window, enter a name of your choosing in the box near Name.This will open a window titled Transparency Flattener Preset Options. Under Presets, select High Resolution, and then click on New.Choose Transparency Flattener Presets, which will open its window in the middle of your screen. Click on Edit, this will be between File and Layout.To continue editing your labels text is it recommended to complete the rest of the steps listed. However, by doing this you cannot edit the label’s text in the future. It is important to note that you can go to Type, and Create Outlines. Open the Adobe InDesign file to be worked on, whether old or new the steps will be the same.This will avoid making any permanent changes to your companies labels and fonts. Once you have made the final changes to your file make sure to save the document as a copy.It is important to understand the selected text will no longer be recognized as text after this point and cannot be clicked on with the Text Tool to change what the text says. This will convert the selected text into shapes that can be easily manipulated into other shapes. Either option you choose, you will need to click on Create Outlines. You can also highlight your text and right click with the mouse. Highlight your text, go to the Type Tab in the menu bar at the top of the screen.Use the selection tool to select the text in your design. Open the Adobe Illustrator file, and then click on the selection tool (or type the letter “v” for a keyboard shortcut).

How To Outline Fonts In Adobe Illustrator Below are steps to outline or flatten fonts using industry-standard design programs. This will allow the recipient to view the original font and images without having to purchase a custom font. To avoid any back and forth in the artwork process, the font and images in your project file will have its data and information stripped by converting the font into an outline. This is a crucial step if you use custom purchased fonts because the text used in your InDesign, Illustrator, or PDF file may not be installed or available in another company's computer system. When designing your company's artwork for print, it is important to convert your fonts to outlines or flatten the fonts once the final design is complete.